
I am a freelance Machine Learning developer, AI researcher, and Medical intern (M.D.) with 4+ years of experience building AI-powered applications in medical imaging and beyond healthcare. I have led AI-powered application developement in two start-ups and also led / participated in research projects on Self Supervised Learning and generalization of deep models and also on using AI models in medicine.

I am a contributing author at The Yuan and also frequently write technical tutorials on Medium and my GitHub. Some of my mostly viewed and liked (more than 700 ⭐️ combined) projects are as follows:

  • Simple Implementation of OpenAI CLIP. (link)
  • Colorization of Black & White Image using GANs. (link)
  • Pix2Seq Paper Implementation (Object Detection w/ Transformers). (link)

I was recently invited to the Delta Dialog Podcast and talked about the latest advances of AI in medicine and healthcare.

You can book a 30 min Meeting, if you’re working in the same field and want to introduce youself, or in case you want to introduce a project for future collaborations.

I also maintain a Persian speaking Telegarm channel on AI and medicine which you can join here.

ML Development

Worked as the lead ML developer building an AI-based Skin Health product at Aris Co. I developed multiple deep learning vision models and created / annotated many in-house datasets. I also developed the backend to serve the models via REST API and finally deployed the app in production. Currently, I’m working as a freelance ML developer on various projects, mostly on medical imaging but not limited to healthcare.

AI Research

Led various research projects on using AI models (deep vision models, LLMs, and classic ML models) on clinical data; involving topics such as landmark detection in X-rays, retrieval augmentation generation (RAG) for radiology QA and predicting Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in patients. Also participated in research projects on topics including SSL / contrastive learning, and generalization of deep learning models, with publications in workshops at ICML, ICLR, MICCAI, RSNA, JSES, etc.

Medical Study

Working as a Medical Intern at the teaching hospitals of TUMS. Medicine is a 7-year program in my country and in its last year we work as medical interns before graduting with an M.D. degree.

Hobbies / Side Hustles

I love writing blog posts; mostly on technical tutorials for developing deep learning models but also on explaining AI trends / technologies in medicine for a medical audience. I write technical tutorials on Medium / TowardsDataScience and I am also a paid contributing author at The Yuan writing at the intersection of AI, medicine, and entrepreneurship. I am a cinephile, passionately indulging in the captivating world of movies and movie criticism. I enjoy studying biographies, self-help books, and history. I enjoy Rock music and I’m teaching myself to play electric guitar recently.